Monday, September 12, 2005

Katrinalist - doing it right

Not performing arts related, but I'm giving myself permission to digress here (since I was away for a lot of the crisis):

This is a great blog chronicalling the creation and development of a computer technology center at the Houston Astrodome, and some of the great things that can happen when technology can work for the right reasons.

Connecting to family and loved ones after a disaster is challenging and emotionally trying, and it is nice to see - amidst the litany of systemic failures weve seen - things working right, namely, communities of people using their technology interst and skills to create opportunities for people to re-unite.

Unfortunately, as my friend and colleague in the Red Cross volunteer station at Baton Rouge pointed out, there are a lot of different people out there trying to help, and sometimes that makes the work harder..... So the people behind CivicSpace, SalesForce, Social Source Foundation and Craigslist put together a "single-source" location to search for hurricane survivors, that pulls together over 25 different online resources on the Web - KatrinaList.

If you are looking for someone, you should first check the list of people evacuated before the hurricane struck (KatrinaSafe) - then go to Katrinalist.


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