Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Technorati hates me - I wanna Rent an Expert

So the idea with Technorati is that you can use it to not only find out what other people are saying, you can find out what other people are saying about you.... And, if you use tags in your posts, you can then share "conversations" on a topic (as defined by the tag) with others. To wit, I can search for "social networking" as a keyword, and I get a different list of blogs than if I use it as a tag search - because some people are specifically identifying their post as being relevant to "social networking." (Note: you'll get different mileage on tag searches if you keep or omit the space between words).

How is this supposed to work? Well, you add some html into your blog post, as directed here - using your tag word of choice. Recently, I've tagged blog posts with OCC2006 (posts I think are relevant for Online Community Camp), WineCamp (posts relevant to WineCamp and WineCampers), and MMC2006 (the Making Media Connections conference). However, if you look at the links, while my OCC2006 and WineCamp posts show up on Technorati (amongst other bloggers who have also blogged about these events), my MMC2006 posts don't.

And that's frustrating, because there are several worthy posts (oh, and one more)!

I would consider going and Renting An Expert (courtesy of the folks who bring you BrainJams) - except that I'm in rehearsal for a small performance. Oh well - maybe next time someone can come and rent me!


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