Friday, May 05, 2006

Can't go to NetSquared? Then go here

You might have heard already that NetSquared has become a victim of its own success. Registration is closed (erm, well, it never opened).

But you didn't really wanna hear others talk about what they accomplished, did you? No! It's all about you! What can you do with social web tools? And who's around to help?

Well, I'm trying. Here are some other events going on that aren't full - yet - which will put you in the center spot (primarily because they are "un-conference"/ "open-space" types of events) . Because it's all about you - and your constituents, of course.

Online community camp
If you're managing, building or trying to salvage an online community. Proposed topics include:
  • Community management issues;
  • Review of community tools;
  • Tactics for smoothly changing community platforms;
  • Effective use of volunteers;
  • Using online communities to enhance interaction within physical communities like neighborhoods, towns, and cities.

A BarCamp-style event, putting social-web tools developers together with nonprofits in a weekend-long brainstorm. A) Yes, it is camping, but hotels are available (see link at bottom of WineCamp page). B) No, they can't help with your network. Or your printer. C) I''ll be there. Look for this mug.
Some proposed topic areas:
  • Engaging your stakeholders - what tools are available to expand the opportunities for your clients, audiences, supporters, and funders to support your work?
  • Broadening the conversations - how can your clients and supporters become your best marketers and advocates?
  • Collaborating across teams / distances - what are the best practices and tools for working in a distributed team?
  • Harnessing "social web" tools for your Website and your desktop - what are the tools out there, and how do you determine what will work best for your organization?

NetSquared-orbit events
  • DrupalCamp will be having a Santa Clara meeting (Drupal for Social Change) the night before NetSquared.
  • There's also talk of a WineCamp Round-Up (TeqUp?) happening Wednesday, May 31st
  • And this coming Tuesday (May 6, 6pm) - NetTuesday moves to Canvas Gallery (Inner Susnet, San Francisco) for an informal smorgasbord of Netty-Squarey-Thingies and WineyCampy Thingies.


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